DPW Amsterdam 2024
08.10.2024 19:00 – 10.10.2024 17:00
Wir freuen uns, bei der DPW in Amsterdam dabei zu sein und die Gelegenheit zu haben, uns als FACTUREE vorzustellen. Besucht uns gerne vor Ort und nutzt die Chance, mehr über uns und unsere Leistungen zu erfahren. Vereinbart am besten im Vorfeld einen Termin – wir freuen uns auf spannende Gespräche!
Online session – Purchasing platforms 2023
07.09.2023 10:00 – 14:15
FACTUREE – The Online Manufacturer will take part in the online session hosted by "Beschaffung aktuell" on "Purchasing platforms 2023".
PERFECTLY PITCHED. vol2 – Supplytechs Digital Conference Pitch
17.02.2022 16:00 – 17:00
FACTUREE is participating with 6 other procuretech startups in the "Supplytechs Digital Conference Pitch" on February 17.
VDMA Startup-Summit
29.11.2021 10:00 – 19:00
VDMA Startup-Summit: Mechanical engineering meets industrial startups
Berlin-Brandenburg Supplier Day 2021
25.11.2021 09:00 – 12:00
The matchmaking event for suppliers and procurement professionals in the Greater Berlin region
Kinetic Umbrella Opening
10.09.2021 15:30 – 17:30
A variable grid structure that changes its shape from a 6.5 m high cylinder to an 8 m diameter umbrella?
Girls' Day Girls' Future Day 2021
FACTUREE - The online manufacturer is once again participating in Girls' Day this year
FACTUREE launches French language customer support
FACTUREE pushes internationalization further.
6. BMÖ-Expertendialog Einkauf 4.0 – Austrian Digital Procurement Day
FACTUREE is invited to the 6th BMÖ Expertendialog Einkauf 4.0 - AUSTRIAN DIGITAL PROCUREMENT DAY with the topic Challenges, solutions and developments in digital value chains and how to deal with them professionally in purchasing.
4th SME Metal Day 2020
FACTUREE will participate for the first time in Mittelständischer Metalltag [SME Metal Day], which will take place this year on 25.08.2020 (original date: 18.03.) in Schwedt/Oder.
Girls' Day Girls' Future Day 2020
UPDATE: Girls' Day 2020 will unfortunately not take place due to the Corona crisis. Whether there will be an alternative date is not yet known.