Musi Wasserkraftwerk auf Sumatra

Ecological power for the island of Sumatra: FACTUREE supports hydropower project in Indonesia

Online Manufacturer makes important contribution to climate protection with purchase of CO2 certificates.

TUECHTIG Meetingraum © Helen Nicolai

FACTUREE promotes mental health of personnel through model project “Soul Office”

Online Manufacturer takes part in scientific project for the prevention of mental illnesses in the work environment

Bundesarbeitsminister Hubertus Heil und das Gründerteam von FACTUREE

Prime example for reintegration of the long-term unemployed: Federal Labor Minister visited Online Manufacturer FACTUREE

Online Manufacturer taps into government funding and helps the long-term unemployed return to the primary labor market

Fewer emissions and abundant clean energy: FACTUREE supports biogas project in Thailand

Online Manufacturer makes significant contribution to climate protection and creates jobs in Nakhon Province by purchasing CO2 certificates

Übergabe des Spendenschecks

FACTUREE gives the gift of education this Christmas

FACTUREE supports the development of the literacy app IRMGARD with a donation of 5,000 euros.

Prony wind park

FACTUREE and South Pole: Six wind farms built for New Caledonia

FACTUREE – The Online Manufacturer supports the Prony project by purchasing CO2 certificates and thus contributes to a long-term financing of the project

Logo Lions Racing Team

Lions Racing Team takes off with FACTUREE at "Formula Student" motorsport competitions

The Lions Racing Team of the University of Braunschweig is going full speed into the race again this year: in the "Formula Student" motorsport competitions.

Girls' Day - Wir machen mit!

Girls' Day Girls' Future Day 2021


FACTUREE - The online manufacturer is once again participating in Girls' Day this year

Laos aerial view

FACTUREE, the online manufacturer, focuses on sustainability, quality and climate protection

Systematic climate strategy leads to reductions of CO2 emissions since the founding of the company

Xenamnoy 1

FACTUREE Supports the Xenamnoy 1 Climate Project in Laos

Ever since the Coronavirus has been occupying all news channels, a different, no less important topic has gone rather quiet [...]

Woman in front of Berlin tram

Low-cost travel: Berlin-based online manufacturer FACTUREE offers its employees “365-Euro-Ticket”

Manufacturing network calls for affordable new mobility options and provides employees in Berlin with cost-effective annual season ticket for local public transport system

Girls' Day - Wir machen mit!

Girls' Day Girls' Future Day 2020


UPDATE: Girls' Day 2020 will unfortunately not take place due to the Corona crisis. Whether there will be an alternative date is not yet known.